I am suing Centralia over democracy, not just cannabis.

Every once in awhile, a lawyer gets a case that reminds her why she went to law school and trained for this moment. I still believe in democracy and the rule of law that underpins that democracy. I believe in due process and the duty of of our sovereigns to follow the law. In the case of Centralia, I do not believe they are following the law of the state of Washington, enacted by the legislature, and voted for by the people. I-502 is the law of the land. It is a regulatory system, not easily dismissed in attempts to assuage fervent opposition. It is supported by the federal government, whose marijuana laws explicitly do NOT preempt state regulatory laws on the subject, and encourage regulation instead of the black market with its cartels, turf wars, and human trafficking. The people voted to quash the violent black market of marijuana and replace it with something more tenable, more just, and more economically sound. It is our job as protectors of the law, as attorneys, police, and judges, to respect the people’s will.